Hello! Welcome to CHRISTIAN IMAGINATION (Nig) Outreach

Education for all


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Total Volunteers


Total Graduates (Male)


Total Graduates (Female)

Who We Are?

Our Vision

To grow with Christian maturity, and become committed as church members and educational professional, To reduce poverty and literacy in Nigeria

Our Mission

To bring up educational word of God made know to all Ages who are not privilege to know Christ, to go to school and engaged wemen in adults education and corporative education 

Our Aims & Objectives

To alleviate or reduce poverty through Christ and the following skills; Remidial education for drop-outs of formal school system, Vocational/Skill acquisition classes, Basic Literacy education for adults ,To promote Unit, Peace among members ,to achieve the warefere of our members and finally to organize corporative leadership training to our ministers,elders , facilitators and members etc


Our Goals

To reduce illiteracy and porverty through skills acquisition in adults education 

Oden James


Mr. Sam Sam Moses

Contact Person

Thematic Areas

Target Beneficiaries

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